2024-25 Grassroots Program
Monday, December 9, 2024 - Saturday, April 26, 2025
from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Every Monday and Wednesday 5:00-6:30 p.m.
2024-25 Grassroots Program
Our Grassroots Program is designed for all beginners ages 8-12, boys and girls (Grades 3rd-6th)! In this program, your player will learn and practice Gold Medal Squared principles, keys for passing, setting, hitting and serving along with valuable experience of organized instruction and competitive play.
The Grassroots season will begin in December and run through the end of April. We will be attending 3 half day tournaments in our region, including the GCR Grassroots Championship. Registration for Grassroots opens October 15th. Spots for this program are limited.
Price for the program is $750.
Price Includes:
Coaching and equipment service fees
1 practice t-shirt
1 850 Elite jersey
1 personal GCR volleyball for each player
Location: Map link
Cost: $750.00
(plus processing fees)
Registered: 39
Maximum registrants allowed: 40
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